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West of England B-lines

Floral Friends of Frampton are supporting Buglife and Avon Wildlife Trust by helping to develop B-lines through our village. So far we have planted wild flower strips at Crossbow Park, along Beesmoor/Woodend Road and in the garden at the Brockeridge Centre. Local school children from Watermore and Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary Schools have helped us, and already we have lovely displays that are attracting more pollinators to our area.

What are B-Lines?

B-Lines are wide strips of permanent wildflower-rich habitats that link existing wildlife areas together to create a network. The B stands for Biodiversity. B-Lines will create new wildflower habitats within Frampton Cotterell, allowing bees, butterflies and other insect pollinators to move across the landscape thus contributing to a national pollinator network that will weave across the British countryside and through our towns and cities.

If you would like to help in any way to create more wild flower nectar rich areas in Frampton Cotterell please contact us and join our friendly team.

For further information about the B-lines project please visit the Buglife and Avon Wildlife Trust websites.

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